måndag 3 maj 2010

Just having a little fun with fruit

Monday... With lots to do on my "to do"-list I decided to focus on the stuff that matters, the heavy stuff, the really important stuff... which is updating my blog obviously... I have decided I think it's about time you and I share some fruit. If there are any sensitive readers out there, I might have to take the opportunity to warn you however. Some of the photos in the bottom of this post may be considered a bit offensive... Now, I know you all will scroll down to have a look at them anyway, but please remember, I did warn you.

Here we go again, I just love green and yellow...


The lead vocalist and her backup...

Don't you love that shine...

Go green...

I like traffic lights... (Monty Python)

Red and tasty...

That's a nice pair of... satsumas... you've got there

Now... what is this!? OMG...

This is definitely crossing the line....!

8 kommentarer:

  1. Too funny... your fruit photos have sex a-peel! ;)

  2. Hilary: Ha! And you're funny. :)

  3. Oh my I am shocked. Shocked I tell ya. Shocked to my very apple core.

  4. haha. a fun and fruity post...

  5. HA HA....I needed this laugh :) Ok Jo, I see you have a lot of free time on your hands :)

  6. Jo, you KNOW I'm gonna have to comment on any post entitled "Having a little fun with fruit". "You know what I like" ;)

    You kinky devil, you.

  7. This is so much fun! I love the traffic lights - so inventive. And...gosh, I recognize that next to the last photo, but the last one...? It's been a long time since I've seen THAT!

  8. ED: Well... You haven't seen me post about any veggies yet, have you...? ;)
    Brian: Thanks. :)
    Jennifer: A lot of free time... well, not really... :)
    Michael: Well, of course I was expecting a comment from you. :)
    ethelmaepotter: Thank you. :) I know, the last one is a little scary... ;)
