Let me tell you about a passion of mine. I am on a constant quest searching for beauty. My camera is usually my only companion as I take long walks exploring my world. I have really been enjoying this winter. This winter is by far the wintriest winter I can remember ever. I don't even recall winters being this wintery back when I was a little girl with braids out in the countryside outside Hova. These days I hear a lot of people around me complain about the snow, the cold, the ice in the streets, their heating bills, their cold feet, how they just hurt their back shoveling. Please. It's weather, people. It's not like you can make it change by whining about it. Wear something warm. Hug a friend. Tie a scarf around your face. If you´re cold, make love. Or something. I love winter. Actually, I'm a great big fan of seasons. I love the extremes.

The other day, me, Winter, my camera, my daughter E and my son L, went for a walk on the frozen lake of Vänern. It was surreal. -20 degrees Celsius. So cold. So crisp. Sun setting. My kids actually getting along. For a short while. And the light. It was magical. Here I have posted some of the photos I took. Enjoy.
E and L... I love you.
Frozen and beautiful.
Footprints in the snow.
Those are magnificent photographs. I particularly love the second one and, ironically enough, the next to last one. I like that one quite a bit. Your children are very lucky to have their Mama. So that is Sweden, eh? :)
SvaraRaderathey are indeed beautiful images. i think the top one is my favorite though the heart drawn in the snow is charming. :)
SvaraRaderathanks for stopping by my place to leave some beautiful comments on POTW
Gorgeous photos, Joanna. I love the shadows and light in the footprints photo. Just beautiful. Keep layered and warm. :)
SvaraRaderaThank you all for stopping by, and for the nice comments. :)
SvaraRaderaM: Yes, this is the Sweden Eden. :) Wintertime. In a couple of months or so, I'll show you some Spring photos. Spring is nice too. :)
Hi, Johanna! When you commented on my blog I came here to see who Johanna was and how you found me. So, when I went to the comment on your latest post, I saw Hilary as a commenter and then knew that Hilary must be the "link" between you and me. But then I came to this post and now I know what the link is between you and Hilary -- beautiful photography!!
SvaraRaderaThese are just lovely. I especially like the one of the heart in the snow and your children.
You have a true gift for photography as well as words -- it's wonderful that you are sharing both here.
btw, you have done a perfect job of explaining how I too feel about winter and the changing of the seasons!
Addhumorandfaith: Wow, thank you. Well, I think Hilary seem to be the link between a lot of people... :) Thank you for your lovely comments. Hugs.