måndag 8 mars 2010

Seize the Day

First, I would like to apologize in advance. I can't believe I am forcing you to take another walk in the snow with me. You guys must be really sick of snow by now, aren't you? There have been a lot of posts about winter and icicles and frostbites and ice and how we all want Spring to come, and I have written a whole bunch of these myself. We all long for green grass, butterflies, tiny little flowers, sunshine and those cute freckles on our noses (if we are that kind of people who get freckles... and that kind of people who actually think they are cute...). 

Looking out my window, however, I can tell I will have to wait for quite some time yet. And I am the kind of person who likes to enjoy Today. Today I see snow. Today I decide to enjoy life anyway. I will go for walks. I will take pictures. I will smile at the Sun even though I can't feel her warmth yet. It will come. Until then, I am seizing the day.

Join me for another walk through snow and ice...

E made this heart

M on the ice


More snow...

The silly people

The kids belonging to the silly people

"Puss" is Swedish for "kiss"...

Thank you for walking with me. Feel the Love. Seize the Day.

9 kommentarer:

  1. I don't mind the snow and ice as long as it isn't here, LOL. Those pictures were beautiful and I loved the "puss" one. Again, gorgeous pictures, especially since I can look out my window and see no snow. Have a great day! :)

  2. Nice pics :) and yes, thank for the clarification lol

  3. well, we all know the saying, 'if you can't beat em, join em' :) love the heart shape...how cool!

  4. its fun being silly....too often we find ourselves having to be serious...snow is not bad, the fun keeps it warm...

  5. I think that you and yours have the right approach to winter.. show it love. What other choice do you have? Love that heart photo. :)

  6. Susan: Thank you for visiting. :) Puss!
    Jstar:Thank you, sweetie! :)
    Kay: I am joining them, then... :) Thanks.
    Brian: Snow is bad... :) But silly is fun!
    Anneli: Kul att se dig här! Tackar. Puss själv! :)
    Hilary: I am showing it love. I am showing it so much love it should be melting soon actually... :) Thank you for stopping by!

    Thank you all for taking this walk with me...
    Peace and love/ Jo.

  7. You have some ace pics here young lady... and thanks for clearing up the 'puss' thing!!

  8. That is very cool, Jo. And personally the Swedish equivalent of "Kiss" is the greatest word EVER. HA!
