tisdag 2 mars 2010

A green apple on my desk

Don't you just love the smell of books? Or the smell of the pencil you just sharpened? A blank page just for you. Spread you entire soul on a sheet of paper. Or just doodle. A new semester, a new course, a fresh start. Notebooks. A green apple on your desk. Exploring the blackboard jungle, chalk, tall piles of papers, books, exams, students, laughter, question marks, exclamation marks, people, ideas... Pride, passion and peace. I realize this is exactly what I want to be doing. I love being a teacher. Always have. Always will.

I love the look in your eyes when you get it. I love the smile on your face when you know. I love to put you in the spot light. I love to see you struggle. I know you'll get it right. I love getting to borrow your youth, your energy, and your spirit. I love sharing whatever wisdom I may have. I love the debates and the discussions. I love when you feel safe enough to question. I love giving you a challenge. I love watching you grow. I'll be the coach of your mind. You'll be the fuel to my soul. It is a giving and a taking. You make my heart grow every day.

This is not a job.

This is my life.

10 kommentarer:

  1. That last paragraph was astounding! That should be in the teachers handbook! Very good outlook. I see a lot of teachers who gripe about their jobs.

  2. i do love the smell of books...you have captured the heart of being a teacher...

  3. I LOVE this!!! So inspirational!

  4. otin: Thank you so much. And thank you for stopping by. :)
    Brian: Thank you. I have my heart in this profession, that's for sure! :)
    JStar: Thank you. This is how I feel. :)

  5. with that passion, I bet your one of the best!

  6. clone yourself and save the world with that passion.

  7. People go through their whole life and not find a true calling. Your search seems to be done.

  8. Kay: :) I hope to be one day...
    Dejan: Well, that is my plan actually... :)Saving the world.
    Buzzard: Yes, this is my true calling. My passion.

    Thanks for reading and for leaving such sweet comments. Peace and love/ Jo.

  9. Hi...popped over from the G-Man. Teachers are special people...they are our stepping stones in life. I'm sure you are that nice, smooth, shiny stone that many will remember! :)

  10. Lulda: Wow, thank you. That's sweet. :)
